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BusFinder Protocol Analyze

Support eDP 1.4a,Up to 5.4Gbps,4 Lanes

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– Support eDP 1.4a,Up to 5.4Gbps,4 Lanes
– Use 32Gb RAM as the buffer to stream all eDP data into the SSD HD in order to record all data flow from Low Power Mode to High Speed Mode
– Data Filter: filters unwanted Dummy, Video data, Filling S/E to save memory
– Search: searches specific data
– Display eDP image data including RGB, YCbCr, format or compressed DSC packets.
– eDP command statistics include numbers of packets, individual command, different data length, and errors
– eDP command trigger

BusFinder device, when paired with the eDP 1.4a solution, is capable of measuring eDP V1.4a protocol analysis.

Display eDP1.4a protocol packet data in table format, including DP Aux Ch command analysis

eDP Lane Skew display and statistics

Display eDP image data including RGB, YCbCr, format or compressed DSC packets.

eDP command trigger, can trigger external oscilloscopes synchronously

Option Model
Number of Chs
Threshold Range (Data)
Threshold Resolution (Data)
Threshold Accuracy (Data)
Input Voltage Non-destructive Max. (Data)
Input Voltage Operation (Data)
Input Voltage Sensitivity (Data)
Impedance (Data)
Input Voltage Non-destructive Max. (Analog)
Input Voltage Operation (Analog)
Input Voltage Resolution (Analog)
Input Voltage Sampling Rate (Analog)
Impedance (Analog)

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