被動式示波器探棒是一款被動式高阻抗示波器探頭,專為輸入阻抗為 1MΩ 且並聯 20pF 的儀器設計和校準。此探棒可進行調整以適用在輸入電容為 10 ~ 35pF 的儀器。
該探頭在前端配備了一個三段式滑動開關,可選擇 x1、x10 或接地參考位置的衰減。
Item number : GBDSO250XNAA
Technical data
Position x10
‧ Attenuation Ratio:10:1
‧ Bandwidth:DC to 250MHz
‧ Rise Time:1.4nS
‧ Input Resistance:10MΩ when used with oscilloscopes which have 1MΩ input.
‧ Input Capacitance:Approx 17pF
‧ Compensation Range:10 to 35pF
‧ Working Voltage:600V DC incl. peak AC derating with frequency.
Position Ref:Probe tip grounded via 9MΩ resistor, oscilloscope input grounded
Position x1
‧ Attenuation Ratio:1:1
‧ Bandwidth:DC to 6MHz
‧ Rise Time:58nS
‧ Input Resistance:1MΩ (Oscilloscope Input Resistance)
‧ Input Capacitance:60pF Plus Oscilloscope Capacitance
‧ Working Voltage:600V DC incl. peak AC derating with frequency.
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